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Tony Fish
Apr 6, 20215 min read
Is the European Union #EU at Peak Paradox?
I was an EU citizen, and I voted to stay within the EU. Having left the EU, I am still confused about why such a complex issue was...

Tony Fish
Mar 23, 20213 min read
ESG* - plotting on Peak Paradox.
ESG stands for Environmental (environment), Social (society), and (corporate) Governance and references the three central factors we...

Tony Fish
Mar 10, 20214 min read
Plotting “How to make better decisions?”
For a while, I have focussed on this question, “How do we make better decisions using data?, in the context of how do we become better...

Tony Fish
Feb 23, 20213 min read
Vaccines and Mapping the Paradox
Twelve months ago, I knew nothing about vaccines, coronavirus, or isolation. A year on, I have learnt a lot about vaccines. I realise...

Tony Fish
Feb 16, 20214 min read
Mapping identity and privacy on Peak Paradox
Unpacking and explaining the Peak Paradox model is here, you will need this backgrounder to understand the model so that this article...

Tony Fish
Feb 9, 20212 min read
Isolation - the 8th deadly sin
I originally mapped the 7 deadly sins to the peak paradox model. There was a bit of debate about if sloth is peak human and if gluttony...

Tony Fish
Jan 21, 20217 min read
Mapping Consumer Financial Services through a new lens.
Unpacking and explaining the Peak Paradox model is here, you will need this backgrounder to understand the model so that this article...

Tony Fish
Jan 15, 20211 min read
The World’s Most Influential Values, In One Graphic
Absolutely love this. There is a super write up on the site. Source:
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