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Tony Fish
Oct 20, 20226 min read
How to build a #team fit for #uncertainty
The pandemic changed us, our views, what we value and how we work. We might not recognise all the changes and hang on in the hope of a...

Tony Fish
Sep 20, 20223 min read
The Gap between #Purpose and #How is filled with #Paradox
Data would indicate that our global interest in purpose is growing. In truth, searching on Google for purpose is probably not the best...

Tony Fish
Jul 27, 20223 min read
Can frameworks help us understand and communicate?
I have the deepest respect and high regard for Wardley Maps and the Cynefin framework. They share much of the same background and...

Tony Fish
Jul 12, 20223 min read
What are the implications of optimising for “I” over “we” on the peak paradox framework?
There appear to be more opportunities to optimise for "I" than "we". A question I have been mulling over is, “In a free market can we...

Tony Fish
May 20, 20225 min read
Great leadership is about knowing what to optimise for & when
I participated in a fantastic talk in May 2022 on “Ideological Polarisation and Extremism in the 21st Century”, led by Jonathan Leader...

Tony Fish
Feb 23, 20224 min read
Ethics, maturity and incentives: plotting on Peak Paradox.
Ethics, maturity and incentives may not appear obvious or natural bedfellows. However, if someone else’s incentives drive you, you are...

Tony Fish
Feb 8, 20224 min read
Hostile environments going in the right direction; might be the best place to work?
decision making in hostile environments

Tony Fish
Dec 13, 20212 min read
What are we optimising for?
The Peak Paradox model starts with a question, “What are we optimising for?” The framework allows individuals to express their views and...
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