The question suggests that there is a place, but what happens when you need to go somewhere that does not have a location? When we want to go somewhere, we turn to the tried and tested tools we have, such as maps, directions and descriptions, but these all fall away when the place does not physically exist.
Love does not have a place; neither does trust, risk, faith, hope, charm, courage, bravery, humility or happiness. However, we associate feelings with a place, smell, image or sound because we know that our feelings are not tied to a location, but at that place, we can find and re-discover the same feeling.
In the peak paradox framework, I had always placed the peak of the paradoxes in the centre because it appeared that at the centre is where you would have to wrestle equally with all the dilemmas that individuals and teams create as they try to optimise for their own preferences.
I had to rethink this, and I now think that the peak paradox is wherever you are now. It follows you to where you are; it is attracted to you and arrives a little after you. However, your context, your moment and your situation mean that you are facing right now your peak paradox.
Peak Paradox is wherever you are at this moment.

Peak Paradox is a term also used in the field of economics to describe a situation where increased efficiency leads to decreased overall productivity. This happens because the optimisation for one aspect of the process leads to an overall diminishing of productivity. It is essentially why there is a balance to be struck between efficiency gains and overall productivity. However, where peak paradox occurs in the economic definition depends on where you have elected to optimise for, and that changes. It is not a fixed place.