Peak Paradox is a framework to assist in the identification of paradigm attachments and biases in our decision-making methods. The results of previous decisions are the current "shadows, ghosts and incentives" that influence our ability to make better choices, decisions and judgements.
The purpose of Peak Paradox is to help you determine what you are optimising for, eliminate identity bias, and remove the hurdles to reaching your north star.
Why? Because we live in an increasingly complex, ambiguous, volatile and uncertain world

That feeling does not go away as the data, or something you instinctively know, is telling you that we have compromised on the best outcome. Whilst we cannot touch, see or feel what it is that frustrates us and holds us back, we know we would like something that helps us gain clarity and understanding.
The Peak Paradox framework is designed to shine a light on why some decisions taken do not create the best outcome by providing clarity on the compromises each of us brings to a team decision. What is truly unique is that Peak Paradox helps unpack "why" without creating tension or conflict.
Irrespective of how much data analysis, information and insight is available, there is always more than one possible outcome, conclusion or paradigm. Peak Paradox frames and identifies how systems and processes can work to undermine good decisions and judgment that management and leadership teams make.

Perception is a strange thing. I can view the situation from your shoes or mine; we see the same liquid in a glass quite uniquely, our imaginations will fill in details that are not there differently. When light creates a shadow in two dimensions of a three-dimensional object we have lost detail and add our own interruption. Perspective matters.
If we can shift ourselves to understand something from a different perspective, I believe we can move from believing in the right or wrong of an opinion; to being able to think and act differently.
Peak Paradox is a framework designed to embrace many perspectives which will expose the delta and differences in our biases, opinions and values. Tension is always present as we all have unique perspectives but this tool is non-confrontational and avoids defensive reactions, such as blame, conflict and righteousness.